Easter for Kids

. Free Easter egg hunt, craft, songs, lunch, and an opportunity for children learn about the importance of Easter.


Lenten services

Wednesdays at 6pm. The midweek services this year will rotate among several area churches.

Holy Week services

Who are we?

Divinity Lutheran Church is a Christian congregation in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. We exist to preach Christ, crucified for you, for the forgiveness of your sins, to bring you peace with God. For more information, check out our About page.

Where are we?

1655 E. Cottage Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55106

Office Phone: (651) 776-1786
Pastor Phone: (651) 360-9560

When can I worship?

Sundays: Worship at 8:30am (with Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month). Bible Class and Sunday School at 9:45am

Midweek: In lieu of our previous Wednesday service, we encourage you to consider:

You can watch sermons/services on YouTube.

Non-English Worship

Our sister church offers Spanish and Hmong worship.

Spanish: Iglesia Luterana San Juan

765 Margaret Street, St. Paul, MN 55106 (al lado de CLUES y el Consulado Mexicano)

Misa en español—los domingos a las 11:00am. Pastor Timoteo Otto. 651-360-9560

Ofrecemos bautizos, clases de doctrina, estudio biblicos, misas de quince años y bodas—todo en español o bilingüe.

Hmong: Immanuel Hmong Lutheran Church

765 Margaret Street, St. Paul, MN 55106

Worship Sundays at 1:45p. More information.